
Streamlining Evaluations in Healthcare Education with Leo

Evaluations are an integral part of any educational program, providing crucial insights into the effectiveness of curricula and student performance. This is one of the many reasons our team of experts at DaVinci Education designed Leo, our award-winning healthcare education curriculum management platform. Leo offers several features to help streamline evaluation processes for you and your students. From on-demand evaluations to automated reminders and comprehensive data tracking, Leo makes it easy to improve your program in real-time.

On-Demand Evaluations: Mobile-Friendly and Convenient

  • Leo's on-demand evaluations allow clinical faculty to complete assessments in real-time from anywhere.
  • Completing an evaluation is almost effortless, requiring only a single click on an email link. This means that clinical faculty don’t need to log in, remember a password or be trained on Leo.
  • On-Demand evaluations are flexible, configurable, and perfect for clinical settings where mobile access is vital.
  • Leo offers faculty-student evaluations, student-student evaluations, and self-evaluations, among many others.

Gathering Comprehensive Assessment Data with Leo

  • Leo facilitates the collection of both summative and formative assessment data simultaneously.
  • On-Demand evaluations enable students to seek immediate feedback on specific interactions or procedures, promoting continuous improvement.
  • Faculty can complete multiple evaluations from a single email link.
  • This data-rich approach benefits students through formative feedback and supports informed decisions on student performance across pre-clinical and clinical courses.

Automatic Reminders and Evaluation Completion Tracking

  • Leo simplifies evaluation management by setting up automatic reminders for scheduled evaluations.
  • Multiple reports aid in monitoring completion rates for specific users, events and courses, allowing extra reminders as needed.
  • On-demand evaluation tracking empowers students to follow up and send reminders, encouraging better compliance and completion rates.
  • Administrators gain insight through comprehensive reports of evaluation creation and completion across your program.

Integrating On-Demand Evals for Comprehensive Assessment

  • Leo seamlessly integrates On-Demand evals into existing assessment workflows, complementing formative and summative evaluation approaches.
  • The Academic Portrait provides a comprehensive summary of evaluation data for each student, enabling advisors and coaches to offer tailored feedback.
  • Access control ensures confidentiality while enabling essential information sharing.

Strengthening Faculty Feedback and Curriculum Improvement

  • Leo's targeted student evaluations simplify the assignment of faculty members for assessing students.
  • Faculty can provide valuable feedback on the curriculum through course and event evaluations, fostering continuous improvement.
  • Leo's reporting capabilities help faculty and administrators identify trends in student learning, enabling data-driven decisions for curriculum enhancement.

Leo's evaluation tools can transform how you assess your students and your educational program. With easy-to-use interfaces, automatic reminders, and quick access to evaluation data, Leo can help you get the vital information you need to continuously improve your program. Contact us today to learn more about how Leo can help you support student success.