
The Value of Leo's Transparency

Learning objectives are meant to help you track student progress, which is key to any educational program. Students should be able to quickly see each session's objective whenever they need to. This is only effective if objectives are shared throughout the year. This is where a central hub makes all the difference. At DaVinci Education, our team has experienced this firsthand. From mapping curricula to updating lesson objectives and materials, our learning platform, Leo, is designed to serve your entire health education program. 

Actionable Insight for Faculty

Leo makes it easy to add and revise learning objectives for each session. With Leo, you can manage virtually everything for the courses that you are teaching. Leo also lets you map session objectives to each course where they apply. If you need to see a complete overview of the curricula or an individual class, Leo gives you critical insight to your program. This makes it easier to monitor the outcome of each session, whether clinical or preclinical. 

Quick Reference for Students

Because Leo's calendar structure is event-based, students can see exactly what they need for every session in every course. Students can quickly find and download materials, review learning goals, and know what they're supposed to do each day by looking at the calendar. Leo also provides each user with a personalized schedule. Rather than students sifting through every event in every course, they only see their own lab sessions and lectures, for example.

Leo also notifies users when new content is posted. Students get real-time updates on changes to objectives, classes, materials, and other essential components of the program directly from Leo. This is just one more way that we created Leo to help students succeed in an environment that is already demanding.

At DaVinci Education, we understand how important it is to have transparency across your entire curriculum. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you create that transparency in your program.