
Here’s everything you need to know to take full advantage of the new functionality in Leo.

Location Map

To ensure accuracy for the integrated Google maps, each Location needs to have an associated address. To check the Locations in your system for addresses, go to Admin Toolbar > Advanced > Location Management from here you can access the List All Locations report or search by location name to review or add an address. Once an address has been added, the Google map on the Details page in an event will update to show the location. 

You can update your Locations list at any time, including in advance of the Feb. 1st release. The more address details you provide (i.e. street address and zip code, etc.), the more accurate the map will be.

Enable LTI

In an Event, go to Settings > LTI Links > Options > Add

Have multiple providers? Not a problem! Follow the process detailed below to add each of your LTI providers and a new button/tab will appear in the left hand menu.

For Zoom

Info Page

Each event can be customized to show your choice of landing page. For example, if embedding videos, interactive ed tech tools or other rich html content, the Info screen can be set as the main landing page for the event and will be the first thing that students see when they get to that event, like in the screenshot below: 

To set a default menu item as the landing page for the event screen:  in an Event go to Settings > Display Options > [choose the page you want in the Set default menu item for this screen dropdown] > Save Info

For example, if materials are the most important information to get to students, you can set that as the event landing page or set the Info page as the landing page to take advantage of the ability to use rich html content and tools. Since this is configured on an event by event basis, faculty can choose the landing page that works best for delivering the content to students for that particular event.

Note: for CI related purposes, the Description field on the Details page should be plain text only. The new Info page is the best place for rich html content.

Additional Resources

Our team of educators has created a number of resources to support you and your faculty in achieving success with Leo, whether instruction is happening in person or online. Check out some of the resources below (feel free to share!) to learn more about how Leo can help you engage students, deliver content and much more.

For more resources, advice and information, check out the Resources and Learning page of our website and our User Guide.

As a reminder, the new look and additional features will be live in your Production systems on February 1st. You currently have access to them on your Training system.