
The Flipped Classroom: A Blended Approach

In the fast-paced, high-stakes learning environment of healthcare education, the flipped classroom approach can be a game-changer. At its core, the flipped classroom approach encourages students to absorb foundational content before the class session, saving class time for practicing higher-order thinking, skills, and competencies related to the demands of today’s healthcare fields. 

So how can educators with little to no prep time create a flipped classroom? At DaVinci Education, our Leo platform is designed to simplify healthcare education. From course materials and lesson objectives to student collaboration and progress tracking, Leo can help you flip your classroom into an interactive learning environment that will actively engage your students and help improve their outcomes.  

  • Pre-Class Preparation: A Strong Foundation

For the flipped approach to work, pre-class preparation is crucial. Students should be given resources such as videos, readings, or interactive modules to study prior to the class. The goal is for students to get a basic understanding of the course material before class to allow for more in-depth discussion and one-on-one training during class. 

With Leo’s central calendar, students can easily view the courses and sessions they are enrolled in. Students have immediate access to study materials, including any additional materials that may be added in real time. 

  • Classroom Engagement: Igniting Active Participation

The purpose of this approach is to engage students in teamwork, discussion, and application. This can be achieved through group discussions, case studies, problem-solving activities, and hands-on skills training. This active participation deepens understanding and fosters critical thinking skills that are essential for healthcare professionals.

Whether you are teaching in a face-to-face or online setting, Leo makes it easy to engage with your students. With Leo, you can communicate via Zoom or with embedded audience response tools such as Poll Everywhere and Nearpod. Students can also collaborate through Discussion boards, which can be easily graded.

  • Bridging Theory and Practice

More class time also means more time to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. By immersing students in discussions and simulations that mirror actual healthcare challenges, you equip them with the skills and confidence needed to navigate their future careers.

  • Fostering Self-Directed Learning

Lastly, the flipped classroom helps students take responsibility for their own education. Students are responsible for reading information, applying concepts, and arriving prepared to collaborate with peers and instructors. This self-directed approach aligns with the independent nature of healthcare professionals, who must continuously update their skills in a rapidly evolving field.

Leo brings it all together in the Academic Portrait, a longitudinal view of each student’s progress through your program. In the Academic Portrait, both you and your students can view grades, evaluations, notes between the student and advisors, portfolios, and other elements that illustrate the student’s performance over time - whether in a traditional, flipped or clinical setting.

By flipping your classroom, your students can actively learn key concepts critical to their healthcare professions while receiving immediate feedback. By empowering your students with foundational knowledge before class and encouraging active engagement during sessions, you can help equip them with the skills to excel in their roles. Contact us today to learn more about how Leo can help you flip your classroom and improve learning outcomes for your students.